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Monday 10 November 2008

Rabbi Miri Gold Petition

Sign the petition at


I was heartened to learn that over 3,500 people have signed the petition demanding recognition for Reform rabbis in Israel.
Our court case, which began in September, 2005, reflects the resolve of
the Israel Movement for Progressive Judaism to be pro-active on issues
of religious pluralism in Israel. The Israel Religious Action Center has
brought our case to the court and raised awareness among Israeli
citizens who believe that Israel must be a democracy.

There is another facet that I'd like to call to your attention. I was
picked as the "test case" because Peter Weiss, the "mayor" of our Gezer
Regional Council, to which my home, Kibbutz Gezer, belongs, was willing
to stick his neck out, risk the wrath of the Orthodox (and it has rained
down hard!), and come to bat for us. He wrote to the Prime Minister's
Office, to the person managing the Department of Religious Affairs (in
the short oasis of time when there was no Ministry of Religious
Affairs), asking that Kibbutz Gezer, populated by liberal Jews, be
assigned a liberal rabbi. He pointedly added that there IS a liberal
rabbi at Gezer, who de facto serves the community, and that rabbi, Miri
Gold, be recognized and salaried by the State, just like the sixteen
Orthodox rabbis who serve other communities in the region.

I believe that Peter Weiss' willingness to write this letter of advocacy
stems from his connections with the Kansas City Jewish Community, which
"partners" with the Region. This partnership shows that our connections
to progressive Jewish communities outside of Israel and the influence
that they can make will make the difference.

We need your support to bolster this fledgling turning point, by sending
a clear message to the government of Israel that the majority of World
Jewry will not sit idly by while intolerance reigns in the Jewish
homeland. We're looking for at least 10,000 signatures. Please take an
active role as Jewish leaders in winning this battle.

Rabbi Miri Gold
Kehilat Birkat Shalom, Kibbutz Gezer, Israel