Fwd: Update on the fire in the Carmel and on the IMPJ work
Our dear friends
Few hours ago Israel homeland security minister announced the end of the massive operation to stop the fire in the Carmel area. The Israeli troops will remain in the area during the next few days and the overseas support teams will start their way home tomorrow morning.
27 funerals were carried today across the country. All of the victims died on their way to save lives, including a sixteen years old fire troop volunteer from Haifa; a close friend of our NOAR TELEM group in Khilat Or Hadash.
Earlier today, we have asked Rabbi Gabi Dagan from Kehilat Ohel Avra'am in the Leo Beck center to share with us his fillings and thoughts. Gabbi was ordained this November in HUC Jerusalem. He grew up in a Modern Orthodox family in Hazor HaGlilit and served in the IDF as a Rabbi. In his reserve service during the second Lebanon War experienced many difficult moments as part of his duty to bring our soldieries to KEVER ISRAEL. Four years later in totally different circumstances he led his congregations in monuments of sadness and fear. When we asked him to write we didn't have any idea that his father was a fireman for more then 40 years.
I'm attaching a translation of Gabi's words and also the Hebrew version.
The GMARA teaches us (Taa'nit 30 b) that those who mourn Jerusalem will rejoice with it while it is rebuilt. After 3 days of concern and mourning let us pray we will all celebrate with the rebuilding of the destroyed communities of Beit-Oren: Ein-Hod; Ein-Chod; Nir Etzion and Yemin Ord and with a flowered and green Carmel.
Gilad and Yaron
עו"ד הרב גלעד קריב
התנועה הרפורמית │ יהדות מתקדמת בישראל
Rabbi Gilad Kariv
Israel Movement for Progressive & Reform Judaism
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