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Sunday, 25 November 2007

update 08/11/2007 plus new Shema newsletter news

Dear Members,

1. Peres continues to improve relations with Reform Movement

In the first of our articles this week, Matthew Wagner of the Jerusalem
Post gives an account of President Peres' recent meeting with five newly
ordained Rabbis at the Hebrew Union College. This, in light of his
meeting last month with Rabbi Tony Bayfield, the head of the Movement
for Reform Judaism, shows the new President's committment to improving
relations with the Reform Movement.

2. Law of Return

Our second article, an opinion piece from the Jerusalem Post, highlights
some major issues with the Law of Return in Israel. The issue is not
with the law per se, but the way in which the Government and the Jewish
Agency specifically, carry out the policy. This extremely contentious
issue not only brings up demographic issues, but the debate goes to the
root of the concept of the Jewish State. We would like to hear your
opinions on these issues.

3. Sh'ma

Last week you should have received your copy of Sh'ma, Pro Zion's
bi-annual magazine. If you did not receive your copy and you think you
should have done then please let us know and we will send you out a
copy. In the magazine you will find a whole array of articles ranging
from the experiences that members of the Progressive Movements in the UK
have had in Israel to a discussion on Avraham Burg's latest book that
has aroused much controversy.

There is an also an article outlining a vision for Progressive Zionism
in the UK as a response to the mainstream Pro-Israelism that dominates
in this country. We would very much like to hear your opinion on the
matter, and hope to publish some of the responses in our next edition of
Sh'ma. Please, if you would like to share your thoughts, write to us in
response to this email. We will ask your permission before we publish

That is all for this week. Remember, if your community is hosting an
Israel related event that you would like to be publicised then please
let us know and we will include the information in these email updates.

Shabbat Shalom,

Charlie Gluckman and all at Pro Zion


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