Pro Zion update - 13/12/2007
Dear Members,
We have two articles and one campaign to publicise this week.
The first article is about the relationship of the American Reform
movement to Israel. Rabbi Meir Azari of the Beit Daniel (reform)
Synagogue in Tel Aviv feels that the community has fallen out of love
with Israel and the article looks at various perpectives and reasons.
There are certainly many parallels to be drawn with our movements in the UK.
The second article is by Rabbi Michael Marmur entitled My Hanukka your
Hanukka. The article is a short and fascinating look at some different
attitudes and ideas towards Hanukka and how the story has come to
acquire different meanings to different communities at different times.
Finally we bring you some information about a project that the Liverpool
Community is running as part of their hosting of this year's national
Holocaust memorial day commemoration. They are collecting unwanted
spectacles to use in an exhibition to raise awareness of the holocaust
and to combat prejudice. After the exhibition all spectacles will be
sent to help overseas charities. Please see the attached document for
more information.
Best Wishes and Shabbat Shalom
Daniel and all at Pro Zion
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