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Tuesday 11 December 2007

Pro Zion Update 6th December

Dear Members,

We hope you are enjoying Chanukah. There are a few interesting things
for you this week.

1. Unorthodox Yeshiva

The first piece is from 'Israel21c' written by Benji Lovitt. The
article reports on a 'secular yeshiva' in Tel Aviv, an institution that
breaks the mold of what a traditional yeshiva is, in order to bring more
people close to their Jewish past and heritage.

2. What a nation state is

This article, taken from Ha'aretz was written by Professor David Navon,
who teaches Psychology at the University of Haifa. The article was
written in response to the accusations made against Israel foreign
minister's Tzipi Livni statement that the establishment of a Palestinian
State would fulfill the national aspirations of the Israeli Arabs.
Professor Navon argues that this fact is in fact a necessary
pre-condition to finding peace through a two-state solution.

3. 'Many Voices' in Leeds

Please find attached an article from Anna Dyson, Youth and Community
Development Worker at Sinai Synagogue, Leeds. A fortnight ago Sinai,
along with a mixed-faith planning committee, helped to organise an
extraordinary event, 'Many Voices'. In her opening speech Anna said
that through an event such as this " hopefully we can begin to share our
stories and listen with the hope of widening our understanding of
'truth' and the opportunities they present for us to come together for
justice and peace." The article shows what an incredible event this was
and I think inspirational to the Progressive Zionist community.

4. A date for you diaries...

Harrow & Wembley Progressive Synagogue, 326 Preston Road Wembley, are
Abbie Ben Ari, be speaking on 'Israel - New Dimensions' on Sunday 16
December at 3.15
This will be an interesting talk from an esteemed speaker.

That's all for this week, comments, suggestions and news are as welcome
as ever.

Finally, we hope your Chanukah continues to be a happy one, and Shabbat

Charlie and all at Pro-Zion


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