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Sunday, 27 May 2007

Weekly update 05/05/07

Dear Members,

Chag Sameach we hope you have had a good Shavuot. We have some topical
articles on conversion, topical not only because they were in the news
this week but also because of the festival of Shavuot and the story of
Ruth, one of Judaisms early converts. We also have an article by Rabbi
David Hartman an Orthodox Rabbi who gives an interesting perspective on
some of the issues regarding Judaism, Israel and Zionism.

Over the last two weekends Pro-Zion members have participated in a
series of international conference calls in the build up to the Vaad
Hapoel meetings of the World Zionist Organisation. The conference call
was organised by Arzenu, our international progressive zionist partners
and included participants from Israel, the USA, Argentina, Australia and
South Africa. The topic, "the renewal and restructure of the World
Zionist organisation" brought up many points of view. We look forward to
filling you in on the eventual outcomes.

We have one event to publicise this week:
Harrow & Wembley Progressive Synagogue are hosting Naomi Benari on
Tuesday 3rd July. She will be speaking on Israel and the Media and it
will include a discussion.
please keep us updated on any events in your community

Chag Sameach
Daniel and all at Pro Zion


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